Main Page
Time & Weather no longer available in this format.
Norman, Oklahoma, USA:
This weather widget has also been discontinued...will attempt to replace in near future.
"" is the newer name for "Cheryl's Spot on the Web," which was established on September 1, 1997, under an older name that I don't remember anymore. This site, in its various versions, has been hosted by several ISPs, but is now, finally, independent of ISPs. This is my personal site, so the content reflects my interests and priorities, as they relate to the Web. If something is not present, it doesn't mean I'm not interested. Similarly, the presence of a link or reference does not necessarily mean I like the entity that is referenced. That's about it. Have a good visit!
What's New
Please see the blog's website updates section for website news.
Plans for This Site
As time permits:
- Try to replace some of the functionality that has stopped working (news, weather, in particular). The News and Private links have been removed because one doesn't work (News) and the other has become completely useless (Private).
- Replace the broken SPC Convective Outlook visualizer
- Create a sort-of "dashboard" format for this page (personalized for me...sorry, everyone else :-)
- Update the Looney Tunes database (which is horribly out of date)
- Update the "Other Links" page, probaby splitting it into several pages
Number of requests for this page since it was created on May 14, 2004:
Guess what? This has been discontinued in this format, too!
Latest update: April 3 2023